Hi I'm a Malaysian, 22 years old, now still studying, graduating 2014.
If I gain Singaporean citizenship, am I eligible to join Armed Forces of Singapore?
Will I clear the SAF military security clearance/ background screenings as I am a foreign-born national, but soon yet to attain the Singaporean citizenship?
Really love to join SAF! Thanks!
The SAF Pledge
We, Members of the Singapore Armed Forces,
do solemnly and sincerely pledge that:
We will always bear true faith and allegiance to
the President
and the Republic of Singapore.
We will always support and
defend the Constitution.
We will preserve
and protect the honour
and independence of our country with our lives.
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For general enquiries or further clarifications on our products or services, please contact us at +65-6391-6100
* This is a 24-hour automated answering service for information of our services and procedures requirements. Our Customer Service Officers are available during office hours only.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_service_in_Singapore
Second Generation Permanent Residents are required to go through compulsory full-time national service as well as reservist duties after they have completed their full-time national service and turns operationally-ready (ORD).
Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen stated in Parliament that between 2006 to 2011, about 8,800 males who had become permanent residents under the sponsorship of their parents were enlisted for and served National Service (NS). On the other hand, 4,200 males who had become permanent residents under the sponsorship of their parents renounced their PR status prior to serving national service.[19] Their failure to serve NS will be taken into account to have adverse impact when they subsequently apply to study/ work/ visit/ travel in Singapore. These ex-PRs were sternly warned about the dire consequences of their actions at the point of renunciation.[20]
After completing full-time national service, they are eligible to apply for Singapore citizenship. However, citizenship is not guaranteed for all applicants, as there are certain criteria that must be met such as educational qualification, income qualification and NS work performance/ conduct appraisal in the NS Certificate of Service upon ORD. From 2006 to 2010, about 2% of 3,000 Second Generation Permanent Residents who completed full-time national service and applied for Singapore citizenship were rejected.[21]
If the person does not hold Singapore citizenship but still holds Singapore permanent residency, he is still required to serve the service requirement, i.e. reservist duties after he turns operationally-ready.[22]
Singapore Permanent Residents who served national service but did not acquire Singapore citizenship will be treated equally to those permanent residents without service obligation; they would not have access to the privileges granted to Singapore citizens.
Central Manpower Base (CMPB)
3 Depot Road Singapore 109680
Operating hours:
Mondays to Fridays 0900 hours to 1700 hours
Closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
If you have any feedback or encounter any problems, please contact our 24-hour customer service centre via either of the following.
Email: contact@ns.sg
Telephone: 1800-3676767 (1800-eNSNSNS)
National Service
Under the Enlistment Act, all male Singapore Citizens and Permanent
Residents, unless exempted, are liable to register for National Service
(NS). Following the completion of full-time NS, they will be required to
serve up to 40 days of Operationally Ready National Service (ORNS) per
year for the duration of their ORNS training cycle till the age of 50
years (for officers) or 40 years (for other ranks).
Male children who are granted
PR status under their parents' sponsorship are liable for NS under the
Enlistment Act. They are required to register for NS upon reaching 16½
years old and will be scheduled for enlistment at the earliest
opportunity upon reaching 18 years old. If they are pursuing full-time
studies, deferment from full-time NS may be granted only if they meet
the deferment conditions stipulated by the Ministry of Defence which can
be found at www.ns.sg. All
NS-liable males aged 13 years old and above, are required to obtain an
Exit Permit (EP) when travelling overseas for 3 months or more.
NS-liable PRs are expected to serve NS. Renouncing or losing one's PR
status without serving or completing full-time NS would have an adverse
impact on any immediate or future applications to work or study in
Singapore, or for Singapore citizenship or PR status.
Males who are granted Singapore PR, and who were previously Singapore
Citizens or Singapore Permanent Residents, are liable to be called up
for NS regardless of the type of PR status they have been granted. For
further enquiries, please write to:
Central Manpower Base
CMPB Podium
3, Depot Road
Singapore 109680
Tel : 1800-3676767 (local)
65-65676767 (overseas)
Email: contact@ns.sg
Joining the SAF is the ambition since young. I shall not give up, I will stand up for Singapore to do the best I can. Not just to gain the NS experience, but to swear allegiance to the Singapore President, the Singapore Government and the Singapore Constitution to rise up should the nation's call of duty. Gratitude is not servitude.
The mission of MINDEF and the Singapore Armed Forces is to enhance Singapore's peace and security through deterrence and diplomacy, and should these fail, to secure a swift and decisive victory over the aggressor.
It's only pro to volunteer for NS for nation-building Singapore as a country. Sincere, allegiance and loyalty to country. I definitely choose to switch citizenship to Singapore. I have my very strong personal reasons why I shall insist to do so for Singapura. I just feel at home with the Temasek island. I visited this Nanyang city once only in 2009 to instantly fell in love at first sight with this Lion City. To defend this Lion City, I even went to libraries to research her history and that strengthen my heart, mind, body, spirit and soul to commit myself to this Merlion city of ASEAN.
URL: www.StrengthenNS.sg
National Servicemen can expect new measures to better motivate, support, and recognise them, as well to help them balance their NS commitments with their family and career commitments.
These aims were revealed by the Committee to Strengthen National Service on Wednesday, after it held its first meeting at the Basic Military Training Centre on Pulau Tekong. Over the next six months, the committee will gather ideas from servicemen and the public through focus group discussions and town hall sessions.
The public may also air their views on a new website www.strengthenNS.sg or through e-mail at strengthenNS@starnet.gov.sg.
The 20-member committee is chaired by Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen, and includes Members of Parliament, senior military personnel, employers, and NSmen. It was set up during this year's Committee of Supply Debate in March, which saw robust debate over how to better recognise National Servicemen in light of continued immigration and the need to preserve a Singapore core. In recent months, members of the public have responded to the news by calling for greater monetary incentives, including subsidies for transport, education and health, and time-off to rest after reservist in-camp training.
Over the next six months, Singaporeans will be asked for feedback on how to beef up National Service.
The Committee to Strengthen National Service, announced in March, will lead focus group discussions and town hall sessions while also conducting online consultation sessions via a new website, www.strengthenNS.sg
The Committee meeting for the first time today, expects its work to be done within a year.
Made up of 20 members, including Defence Minister Ng Eng Hen, Members of Parliament,military top brass and private sector employers, the committee will use the feedback gathered to recommend measures to enhance National Service as a critical institution for Singapore's continued survival and success.
The measures are meant to motivate servicemen to give their best in serving, help them balance their duties with family and work commitments, enhance support from families, companies, new citizens and the broader community, and promote recognition of servicemen's efforts.
Participate Now!
Want to make a real difference in the National Service experience? Do take a moment to share with us your feedback on how to strengthen National Service.
You can also take part in an online discussion on how you can contribute in a meaningful manner to strengthen National Service.