wanna start small and safe business with little $. Which is best company to join to be successful?
Ah Long Pte Ltd
Gold Line International : http://www.youtube.com/user/wwwGoldLineTV
World venture is safe to join..
Heard that there is an new company called BrainAbundance which will be launched at January 15, 2014 : http://www.brainabundance.com/payPlan
You can join my company. It's called shuanghor, been around for 20 over years. For more information contact me at :priscilia.meh@gmail.com
Prosperity Cash Machine : http://prosperitycashmachine.com
Quanta :
• http://vimeo.com/user15998989
• http://player.vimeo.com/video/83913265
• http://player.vimeo.com/video/78578740
RevStar Global : http://www.revstarglobal.com
Alphay : http://www.myalphay.com
Infinity2 Global : http://www.i2g.com
Online Wealth Matrix : http://ownmatrix.com/how-does-it-work
Kannaway : http://www.thebuzzlaunch.com
Wakeup Now : http://wakeupnow.com/videos
There are many MLM companies around. Some are illegal pyramid schemes and some are legitimate establised companies.
Use this as your guide: http://dsas.org.sg/members/company-listing/
You want to join a company that is registered with the Direct Selling Association of Singapore.
3D-Academy Singapore - 3D Printing Education Business Opportunity : http://www.3d-academy.com.sg