Hi! I'm new to this board but would just like to share that incidentally, in a recent informal meeting with a top executive from SingHealth, a question was thrown to the nurses present as to what they felt about male nurses and if nursing advertisements should target males as well.
Interestingly, all the females felt that working in a female-dominated environment can be pretty stressful with all the hormonal swings!

They felt that it was a joy having male nurses around, citing the following reasons :
- they aren't as emotional and prone to mood swings and are therefore, more objective, not as sensitive and petty;
- they tend to be firmer when dealing with patients and don't give in easily; and
- there are issues that certain male patients would only be comfortable telling them about, eg. issues re. erectile dysfunction, penile physiology, etc. (Female nurses might think they're being 'chee ko pek' if they try to confide in us!)
As for myself, I feel that male nurses are generally very subjective and easy-going. Male colleagues aren't as petty as female ones. I've worked in male-dominated environments before and I tell you, it's definitely my preferred choice! In fact, it used to be that if I went for job interviews and found out that the boss is female, I usually think twice. OK, not all females are hard to deal with but in general, we do have to deal with hormonal problems that the males are thankfully spared from. [/quote]