My neighbour cat keep coming to my corridor and shit... sometimes even just at our doorstep. Maybe cuz of the potted plants I have that attracted them,...
I tried to talk to them, but still no change, cat keep coming to my area to take a dump. What should I do ?
Spray water at the cat lah.
They will learn the lesson. You seem really desperate about the cat problem lor.
You should bring up the topic again to your neighbours
You should try not to kill the neighbour's cat
You should try confronting the cat and ask him/her not to shit in front of your house
You can try rolling the cat around in it's own droppings, and let it go back to your neighbour's house
You can take the cat's dropping and use it as fertilisers for your plants, when your neighbour complains, blame it on the cat
You can put some traces of blood along with the stool and show your neighbours, saying there is something wrong with their cat, that will make them pay more attn to their cat, hopefully they will put it to sleep.
you should put a talking pillow for the cat
please take photos and best approve CWS or any animal welfare organization or authority for help in this matter. you know now law has oj HDB flat owners to keep cats inbund, only time allowed is outdoors they can walk the cat and then bring it back home that's it.
usually its irresponsible owners and not cats problem. no excuse for kids because parents should take them proper in hand. but cast downunderstand fully our verbal languge so they ae natueral curious and territory animals. tell them neighbors you will charge a fee for sanitaiton upkeep and cat babysitting if they cause problem at your dorrsteps again.
got the cat photo or not. next time take one and show us. if sexy cute enouff maybe we can hekp vlunteer to tok to your neighbours.
@summerhill: Wa u power ar, can link my post with sgclub, but tts me la hahaha
But I'm really desperate man, there were times where I googled about poisons, and foods that will be poisonous to cats (and boy was I surprised) but the last straw came yesterday when I cleaned the cat shit in the morning and I return home in the evening to find another heap. Happen see it outside neighbour's door, so took a broom and literally chased it from one end of the corridor (I live in the corner apt) to the other...
The cat usually lurks at night or at times where we(my families) are not at home... so hard to find water spray...I talk to the neighbours and they only say sorry sorry and clean it up, but next day still happens.
The cat oso quite smart wor... as my neightbour got those sliding windows it can slide itself in and out (witnessed it sliding the window open to get in) and I couldn't expect them to lock all windows ma.. Perhaps I gotta inform town council...
Sorry for the long msg, but I just shoot whatever is in my head right now... too sleepy to think straight *yawns*
Originally posted by Me0wMe0wMe0w:@summerhill: Wa u power ar, can link my post with sgclub, but tts me la hahaha
But I'm really desperate man, there were times where I googled about poisons, and foods that will be poisonous to cats (and boy was I surprised) but the last straw came yesterday when I cleaned the cat shit in the morning and I return home in the evening to find another heap. Happen see it outside neighbour's door, so took a broom and literally chased it from one end of the corridor (I live in the corner apt) to the other...
The cat usually lurks at night or at times where we(my families) are not at home... so hard to find water spray...I talk to the neighbours and they only say sorry sorry and clean it up, but next day still happens.
The cat oso quite smart wor... as my neightbour got those sliding windows it can slide itself in and out (witnessed it sliding the window open to get in) and I couldn't expect them to lock all windows ma.. Perhaps I gotta inform town council...
Sorry for the long msg, but I just shoot whatever is in my head right now... too sleepy to think straight *yawns*
take photo and show lah. something must be relly wrong if it alwasy shit at the same spot. Leave some little news paper in a cozy box outside see the cat will shit there or not. for your info cannot keep cats in hdb, only chong pang area now trial run for 1 year. so tok to your neighbours nice. after meal or once in a while tell them to make it a practise periodically walk the cat outside so they can shit, unless the cat is lausai.
dont go and put poison. what goes aroudn comes around. if a human being's child shit at your place youtok to the parents and still the child shit will you put posion? that';s murderr of course. but a cat you can put posion lah?
we ar emonitoring this post. though we may not go to teh extend of tracking your IP, epoing this post to the authprites, you better pray something bad with posining on cats dont happen anythime soon. cause people can dig this one out to investigate should it really happem.
what to kill, take o someone your own size.
Originally posted by CHLIM:I have learned this little trick from my ex-neighbor who love cats and keep lots of them.
Domesticated cats and dogs are just like human being, they don’t shit at the place they eat and relax.
Play with them, stroke their head, neck and back where their paws can’t reach and play with them at your corridor. When they are accustomed to you and your boundary, they will never shit at that area again.
not all cats react the same way i tell you. cats also got cahacrter one. if this one happen to be notti and stubburn, or a little stupid to undersatdn your intention probably no use one. meowmeow can try, but if it dont work TS better have a backup plan.
For cat repellent perhaps you can try to spray a bit of clove oil where the cat shit and they will go away. Cats just hate clove oil.
probably the very firstttime cat found a place to deposit his poop. then owner clean but even with water sometimes the scent of poop will still linger. cat thus made a habit to sniff out the cene where it pooped and build a habit of depositing its gold there from then on. can try clive's method but its still best to tok to the neightbor. since hdb cannot keep cat, but many are truning a blind eye as long as no problems from cats. but with such irresponsible owners, its just a matter of time the cat's uncontrolled behovior will get it kill by people who dont like cats, of it chose to go one floror above or below to poop. maybe geting it rehomed to anotehr family is better than this one.
Bro troublemaker, relax la. There's a reason why my name is such right? I'm a cat lover myself. I just see no point cleaning the droppings of my neighbours cat without any benefit. Report all u want. My conscience is clear
Of course while I wouldn't go to the extent of harming the cat, I may have to call in related authorities as I oso went and check it out -- really cnt keep cat in hdb sio... Miniature sized dogs can, but why not cats ar?
But yea, I rather discuss wif my neighbours first. If all comes down to nothing, den who to call ar?
neighbours first. tell them about the cat sniff scent and behaviour. tell them they have to at least keep their cats indoors, walk it our accompanies ocasionally if they want.
tell them the cat if alow to roam may endanger itself, get lose, get killed, or poop on people;s doorsateps. an example as you highlighted tell them. if tehy still bochap. call CWS first., tehya re a non profit organization for cats, not govvernment linked but has enuff authorithy to mediatate teh situation. they have qualified people and volunteers to handle such cse. if the neighbour dont corportae even after CWS steps in, then that makes things even more easy.
HDB dont allow cats at this momnet. chong pang's 1/2 year pilot programe has not a conclusion and gahmen havenot decide on any act yet. so they neighbor is actually breaking teh law. byt keeping cats in hdb, and also check the cat if the cats is microchipped.
depending on the exisitg law on such breakers, or if you decide to sue the neighbour for such inconveneience, where involved authorities wanna take any legal action against the neigbour, the penalty can rang efrom formal warnring, rehoming the cat and if youur casue succed in court if you bring it up with lawyer's assistance, fine or jail is also possible. that will deoend how stroing your case and how far you wanna bring the case forward.
pussy pooping caught in teh act while doggie with lady watches and filmed.
Haha tts sorta what I'm gonna do. I oso dun wish to blow up e matters =D
Speaking of which, its been 3 days since it last pooped outside my house. I'm quite happy tho
Originally posted by Me0wMe0wMe0w:Haha tts sorta what I'm gonna do. I oso dun wish to blow up e matters =D
Speaking of which, its been 3 days since it last pooped outside my house. I'm quite happy tho
probably the cat get a better place somewhere.
aiyah write so much also dont know how the cat look like. take a photo of the cat lah. show us this notti fellow.
dont worry about photos rights if the 'owner' ever know.
as long as you follow my expert advice the following when you take the photo
(1) Check and ensure you and the neighbour are not living in chong pang area.
(2) Check and ensure the owner had not microshipped the cat (anyway dont matter if point #1 is TRUE). But may matter if point #1 is not true. if points 1 and 2 passes, proceed to point 3, else take photo secretly, or at a public place. Then if neighbour discovered refer the family to me i will take on the photography rights part.
(3) Once point 1 and 2 cleared, take a photo of the cat and ensure you are at a public place or angle of photo is from your own place outwards.
then post here we see the cat is round or flat one.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:probably the cat get a better place somewhere.
cat with public poop fetish - laosai
no need lah. those irresponsible so called 'owners' dont know how easily it is if we want to go law by law. even if HDB allowed to keep cats what the owner did allowing the cat to roam about is wrong already.
if you just take the cat and put it up for rehome in front of the owner, the owner alsoc annot do aything. because in HDB he should not own a catch unless its in chong pang undergoing the 1,2 years trailrun period in conjunction with CWS when cats has to be neutal, sterilized and microhipped, homes cat proof and reviewed by CWS.
U should poo outside your neighbour's house.... (until they asked u to stop)...
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:U should poo outside your neighbour's house....
(until they asked u to stop)...
nope. are you sure the poo wasnt poo-ed by the neighbours themsleves?
Police come also need prove. witnesses? when where who? if the witness is the own neighbour PRC rent out wife then ialso can get my pinoy egineer galfwen as my witness also. police investigate also must go deep thorough befoe making housecalls.
law by law - innocent until proven guilty
Cats dun read about human laws.
Originally posted by Clivebenss:Cats dun read about human laws. a ..pussy? >.<"""""