Give credit...Originally posted by Ecxentrique:
Thanks.Originally posted by Drain-V-:Give credit...
Also, Anakin SW MD count was subsequently lowered due to his supposed "injury" after the duel with Obi-Wan in the 3rd installment of the SW saga..So, the count probably wun tally with Darth Vader..
Hmm..come how nobody asked aboutOriginally posted by HENG@:Wedge Antillies?
What about Darth Vader's trainee who succeeded his title as Lord Flint?
this one? negative count ahOriginally posted by Drain-V-:Hmm..come how nobody asked about![]()
By the way.. just for info,, the links contain quite a great deal of spoilers.. so... click it at your own peril..Originally posted by Ecxentrique:Thanks.There was no details of that post-count. but i do not suppose it could have a very big effect..?
You're welcome...I actually saw another seperate table from what you found about few years back(say after the release of SW2)..Seems that there was a rather significant loss in MD after he fell in an ahem pit after the duel, according to the site, which even had a footnote explaining this...But then, I dun have the URL with me now...Hmm..Originally posted by Ecxentrique:Thanks.There was no details of that post-count. but i do not suppose it could have a very big effect..?
That made sense.. an explanation to why vader nv used lightning as sidious and dooku had.. but come to think of it.. darth maul couldnt use lightning too..Originally posted by HENG@:well they've released the Epi III Novel already so its not much of a spoiler.
but yes it is acknowledged that Darth Vader lost a significant body mass due to the duel. in fact, in Palpatine's own thoughts from the novel, and bearing in mind that the official books are considered canonical accounts of events in the SW universe:
"No it can't be! But it was. His promising new apprentice, who was to be the greatest Sith who'd ever lived - miamed and burned, perhaps dead. Darth Sidious grounded his teeth in frustrated anger. Part of him wanted to turn on his heel and leave what was left of Darth Vader to burn to ashes in the rising lava. Even if he was alive, even if he could be saved, Vader would be crippled.
And not just with his mechanical limbs. The Force-dark side as well as light-was generated by living beings, and it took living flesh to manipulate it. Darth Vader would never be able to cast blue lightning; that required living hands, not metal ones. And with so much of his body replaced by machinery, he would never come close to the potential he'd had."
I would think that he will be one of those that ranks amongst the top..maybe more than Luke Skywalker.. but less than vader..Originally posted by HENG@:it has occured to me that Kyp Durron seems to be missing from the list as well.
true. maybe he didn't prefer it. i mean, his lightsaber was unusual in a sense, so maybe he enjoyed lightsabre fighting more. Also, im wondering, if u need a hand of real flesh to manipulate force choke? because Vader didn't seem to have a problem with that. Maybe the gesture is purely for show, and u can simply force choke someone without having to lift a finger.Originally posted by Ecxentrique:That made sense.. an explanation to why vader nv used lightning as sidious and dooku had.. but come to think of it.. darth maul couldnt use lightning too..
hmm. how come leia has such a high force count but can't manipulate the force? or was she later made a jedi knight? i seem to remember reading that she became a jedi knight in the Yuzhan Vong novels.Originally posted by Ecxentrique:I would think that he will be one of those that ranks amongst the top..maybe more than Luke Skywalker.. but less than vader..![]()
still trying to find out this.. have patience.. dun give in to the dark sideOriginally posted by HENG@:hmm. how come leia has such a high force count but can't manipulate the force? or was she later made a jedi knight? i seem to remember reading that she became a jedi knight in the Yuzhan Vong novels.][/quote]
Her high count is probably a genetic gift.. courtesy of the father.. this also explains y her two twins jacen and jaina had the same count.. so naturally leia would have the same count as luke.. in the empire strikes back.. there was a conversation between yoda and dead Obi Wan.. about another hopeful candidate to defeat the emperor and darth vader.. and no surprise to who that was.. probably there is a reason why Obi Wan stayed on in Tatooine as his hideout.. so that he can bump into luke and start his training.. leia on the other hand was more involved in politics..
and like i said, how come there r no midichlorian counts for as prominent a character as General Wedge Antillies, top fighter ace of the Rebellion and New Republic, and Lord Flint, who was Lord Vader's Successor upon his death?
did u just decide on a rough count for Kyp n add it in or wot?Originally posted by Ecxentrique:still trying to find out this.. have patience.. dun give in to the dark side![]()
It does say Major characters.. by the time this info is done.. it would have been compiled as a list for ALL the characters..Originally posted by HENG@:seems they missed out Exar Kun's Master, Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas as well.
nor did they include the ancient Sith Lord Freedon Nadd who instructed Exar Kun in his journey into the Dark Side.
Nope i have it actually from the sources..Originally posted by HENG@:did u just decide on a rough count for Kyp n add it in or wot?
anyways look at my siggy. Do i look like a Jedi or a Sith?![]()
did tot of it...Originally posted by HENG@:do u have a thread dedicated to starship/vehicle discussion? if not can i start one?
sureeeeeeeOriginally posted by Ecxentrique:did tot of it...
sure be my guest.. but start in my forum can? thanks![]()