i'm working @ the airport packing e food n utensils...part time de...
n the utensils are freaking not clean...they just sent it for a "hot bath" den they'll send it to us for packing...eww!!! u can even see cabbage

den the other packers use clothes to clean..and they r the banglahs...out of 5 workers...3! are banglahs sia... i reject allthe dirty de den i kana scolded sia..they say, "can use cloth clean la!" ni na bu eh..if i passenger i use i lao sai liao lo...on the spot....
the food...is not fresh...cook using foods dat have been enjoying their stay in the chillers uncooked for about a week... den cook n pack le hor..den put in chillers again...for don noe how many days ar..
when i heard of it, i almost tell myself i nv wanna sit airplane le...
don tell me NPNT ar..cos i cannot take pics ar...got CCTV camera....nnb...