Utterly distasteful! Frightening to both adults and children! These are the messages I can glean from the newest anti-smoking ad put out by the Health Promotion Board.
Smokers who have been endearing the pain of paying more for that daily puff - 50 cents/stick now compared with 20 cents/stick in the 1980Â’s - will likely continue with their habit. I doubt they will be convinced by this new ad to quit their smoking habit.
As for the youngsters, they are in that period of life when being seen smoking makes them feel adult-like and apparently does much to boost their image among their peers. They are not likely to junk their cigarettes as a result of this ad. I doubt very much these young chaps will be frightened off by the graphic.
So, the people that this ad will likely to have an impact on will be:
1. children - who get this ad blaring at them on their TV screens all day, including prime-time
2. adults - particularly those who are adverse to watching horror shows
There are suggestions for putting this ad on TV after prime-time, when most children will have gone to bed. However, this is also not an answer. I personally do not like horror shows and so do not watch them. Having this ad appearing on my TV screen late in the night is going to result in me having nightmares when I go to bed. I am sure there are many like-minded people around in Singapore.
I have not objected when pictures of diseased lungs started appearing on cigarette packs some time ago. For one thing, the graphic is not as grisly as this one - of a woman - being put out this year. DonÂ’t you agree?