A new academy for sports coaches in Singapore will be launched next year to enhance and support the development of professional capabilities and standards in sport coaching.
The academy, CoachSG, will be headed by Troy Engle, the Singapore Sports Institute's director of coach development.
It will design and deliver a programme of formal and informal opportunities for coaches to develop their skills in the areas of technical proficiency and methods of instruction.
Ahead of the official launch in the second quarter of next year, CoachSG will be conducting monthly engagement sessions with coaches and other stakeholders from Dec 19 to next April.
Members in the National Registry of Coaches (NROC) will be given preferential rates and priority enrolment in various coaching courses and activities organised by CoachSG, the respective National Sports Associations and other organisations.
The NROC will also introduce a three-year provisional membership from Jan 3 to involve more coaches in the academy programmes.
Coaches who are interested in attending CoachSG's monthly engagement sessions can sign up by e-mailing sport_coaching@sport.gov.sg.