Good News to Brother Sam.seah.....
But bad news for Category A..... (including taxis)
By Yahoo! Singapore | Yahoo! Newsroom – 38 minutes ago
The number of certificates of entitlement (COEs) to be made available for small car buyers will plunge over the next six months.
The Land Transport Authority (LTA) said on Thursday that the overall monthly number of COEs set for August to January will be 3,226, which is 12.7 per cent down from the 3,694 certificates allocated monthly for the February to July period of this year.
The monthly COE quota for cars up to 1,600cc and taxis will fall 36.6 per cent to 786 from 1,239.
Buyers of large cars, commercial vehicles and motorcycles will not be too affected, however.
For cars above 1,600cc, there will be 701 COEs per month, just slightly higher than the 699 monthly number set before.
There will be 360 COEs per month for commercial vehicles, 11.4 per cent more than the previous 319.
For motorcycles, there will be 894 COEs per month, 9 per cent more than the previous 820.
For COEs in the Open Category, there will be 485 COEs a month, a 21.4 per cent drop from 617.
Following a spike in April, when COE prices breached $90,000 in two categories, the LTA said last month it will slow down planned cuts in the vehicle growth rate.
It will allow the number of vehicles to grow by no more than 1 per cent per annum from August this year, and reduce that allowed growth rate to 0.5 per cent per annum from February next year to January 2015.
Earlier, the agency had planned to reduce the vehicle growth rate from 1.5 per cent per annum to 0.5 per cent per annum from this August.
Bro Sam.....
Wait for another few months....
COE for Category C should fall back abit.....
Thanks Bro...
Originally posted by Sam.seah:Thanks Bro...
bo ?
Coming soon ?
Aiyoh Bro, I told u last nite Liao...
These seafood dinner, anytime also can... No need buy car then treat..
See when u free, we go lah...
This month very huat for limo drivers leh.. This seafood, anytime lah... Hourly many many... Huat ah!!!
Originally posted by Sam.seah:Aiyoh Bro, I told u last nite Liao...
These seafood dinner, anytime also can... No need buy car then treat..
See when u free, we go lah...
This month very huat for limo drivers leh.. This seafood, anytime lah... Hourly many many... Huat ah!!!
As a Pte Limousine driver, our mobiles (2-3 lines) are switched on 24 hours round the clock 365 days per year (+1 for 2012).
Didn't tell me later that COMMUNICATION PROBLEM. Cannot locate me..... (just like that Funny Limo Driver said).... but i believed you are different category as that fellow.
Originally posted by Sam.seah:Aiyoh Bro, I told u last nite Liao...
These seafood dinner, anytime also can... No need buy car then treat..
See when u free, we go lah...
This month very huat for limo drivers leh.. This seafood, anytime lah... Hourly many many... Huat ah!!!
At least....
there is an event to celebrate mah.... right ?
SINGAPORE: A total of 19,351 Certificates of Entitlement (COE) will be made available between August this year and January 2013.
This is 2,809 COEs fewer, or a cut of 12.7 per cent, than for the previous six-month period from February to July 2012 which had 22,160 COEs available.
The cut comes mainly from the small cars category which recorded a drop of 36.6 per cent. It will now have a monthly quota of just 786, down from 1,239 between February and July this year.
The COE quota for the open category also dropped significantly. It will now have a quota of 485, a 21.3 per cent drop from the previous six-month period.
The COE quota for big cars will be 701 per month. This is comparable to the monthly quota of 699 between February and July 2012.
For goods vehicles and buses, the COE quota has been increased to 360 per month, a 12.85 per cent increase from the previous six-month period.
There will also be more monthly COEs for motorcycles at 894, up from 820 in the previous six-month period.
Market watchers expect COE premiums to go up for small cars, testing the recent highs of S$67,000.
Tan Chong Motors' general manager Ron Lim said: "The issue on hand is that demand has sort of cooled off following the announcement that Land Transport Authority (LTA) or the government itself is going to review what they can do to curb this COE crunch. There are quite a number of customers who have been holding back and this is building up a pent up demand. And now with this cut, you're going to see COE prices moving up quite sharply at least in the short term."
The bidding under this quota will start with the August 2012 First Open Bidding Exercise.
LTA said the COE quota for August 2012 to January 2013 consists of two components.
These include the provision for a one per cent vehicle growth based on the vehicle population as at December 31, 2011; and the replacement COEs for vehicles de-registered between January and June this year.
The next COE quota announcement for the COE bidding period from February 2013 to July 2013 will be made in January 2013.
In May 2012, LTA had announced that the vehicle growth rate will be reduced to 1.0 per cent per annum from August 2012, before being further reduced to 0.5 per cent each year from February 2013 to January 2015.
In addition, a total of 4,789 remaining adjustments for over-projections in Quota Years 2008 and 2009 that were scheduled to be spread over bidding months from August 2012 to January 2014 will now be deferred for one year from August 2012 to July 2013.
They will resume from August 2013 to January 2015.
- CNA/fa
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
As a Pte Limousine driver, our mobiles (2-3 lines) are switched on 24 hours round the clock 365 days per year (+1 for 2012).
Didn't tell me later that COMMUNICATION PROBLEM. Cannot locate me.....
(just like that Funny Limo Driver said).... but i believed you are different category as that fellow.
including bicycles time....
Cycling very tired one....
I preferred to play horse....
eh bros 1 nite go dinner together ai mai?? then ride bicycles after tat??
Originally posted by komade:eh bros 1 nite go dinner together ai mai?? then ride bicycles after tat??
wah piang....
again ?
With Category C (COE) getting more certificates.....
Bro Sam.seah will be a
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Yes....
bo ?
Bro Jdil...why u everytime mention seafood...cannot other food
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:wah piang....
again ?
ai mai juz need u to say nia..................
Originally posted by Z/Fiction:Bro Jdil...why u everytime mention seafood...cannot other food
You got the point.....but you got the "story" behind it ?
Not necessary must eat Seafood Dinner (as at above story)....
actually this also can......
Originally posted by komade:ai mai juz need u to say nia..................
See you on
by the way... where is dinner ?
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:See you on
by the way... where is dinner ?
need so long meh member?? if mon free lets go makan the jalan jalan................
Originally posted by komade:need so long meh member?? if mon free lets go makan the jalan jalan................
Wait for 2night... 6.35pm.... If successful.... you may have hourly disposal from me...
All Categories of COE remains constant...
except for the decreased of COE in Cat A......
Everyone thought that Govt may help taxis companies to obtain lower premium for theCOE certificates.... but seems like... it is the opposite... .
Maybe, they have realised that there are TOO MANY TAXIs on the ROAD.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Wait for 2night... 6.35pm.... If successful.... you may have hourly disposal from me...
like tat hor................. wait scarly i tell u im on the way hm leh??
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
cya there bro ~~~~~~
eh tml nite if free go out jalan jalan leh..................
Originally posted by komade:cya there bro ~~~~~~
eh tml nite if free go out jalan jalan leh..................
I just received a letter from CPF Medisave.....
knn... need to top up my Medisave.... LJ also soften.