Since there are members who asked which limo group to join?
Now, I would like to ask you all, what is the objective of joining a group?
1) never have the mindset that you can rely on your group for business
2) try to see how you can help your group and establish yourself
3) join group is for networking and get to know more friends.
So what are your input? Let's discuss...
traffic information.......
Waiting for.....
durian to drop ?
(not me)... me only waiting for the annual Seafood dinner.....
some.... like r_s70
love to....
Originally posted by Sam.seah:Since there are members who asked which limo group to join?
Now, I would like to ask you all, what is the objective of joining a group?
1) never have the mindset that you can rely on your group for business
2) try to see how you can help your group and establish yourself
3) join group is for networking and get to know more friends.
So what are your input? Let's discuss...
During my course, we were all advice to form network to support each other as new cabbies and build an infrastruture to exchange jobs for backup. The keyword was 'make sure' we like each others style and must co-operating properly. So I guess to join a group would be for support and updates, rite?
"Member! Why so quiet!!" sound familiar...
My favourite phase in talk
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:some.... like r_s70
love to....
Knn, you really can find pictures, like that also can find....
That xbx70 really can talk 3 talk 4.......
Originally posted by Rbs70:"Member! Why so quiet!!" sound familiar...
My favourite phase in talk
All member busy....
sweeping the floor....
"Members! 5 second please......"
In group talk, too quiet also no don't come so frequently, so if talkie too quiet, people will think their line tio cut liao.....
Originally posted by Rbs70:"Members! 5 second please......"
In group talk, too quiet also no don't come so frequently, so if talkie too quiet, people will think their line tio cut liao.....
where to Jia-Kopi ?
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:All member busy....
sweeping the floor....
Miss those talk 3 talk 4 days man......
Wu are kong, Bo mah kong, kong wu kong bo tio si bo kong kar ki......
U can call Komade anytime, anywhere...
he also love to Kong Wu Kong Bo.....
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Member
where to Jia-Kopi ?
Jia-Kopi, Ka Roti.....
Originally posted by Rbs70:
Jia-Kopi, Ka Roti.....
Any durian jobs I can help ? I help.....
Any one wants to pay GST, collect job money.... can come to.........
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:U can call Komade anytime, anywhere...
he also love to Kong Wu Kong Bo.....
Actually, every groups sure got 1 or few jokers to live up our boring days....
Jobs la, like what I had say, bo jobs, committees got to create it, how to create? Don't need me to spell out right?....
To make friends? Confirm, or else join group and become lone ranger?...than limousine drivers I think gossips more than those 三姑å…婆
Many new drivers joined group for the networking already exist in the limousine groups.
Even DHs move around.... if they can't get sufficient support from the group's members, they will move to another group with ample supply and efficient drivers.
Hence, DHs will not stay in that particular group forever..... sometimes, DHs within the group crashed as one trying to over-ride / over rule one another.
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Many new drivers joined group for the networking already exist in the limousine groups.
Even DHs move around.... if they can't get sufficient support from the group's members, they will move to another group with ample supply and efficient drivers.
Hence, DHs will not stay in that particular group forever..... sometimes, DHs within the group crashed as one trying to over-ride / over rule one another.
You are damn an active groups, this DH are like above to them.....
Sometime will "invite" them as Guest Caller....knn, GST also can collect on behalf for this knn DH.......贱。。
Originally posted by Rbs70:
You are damn an active groups, this DH are like above to them.....
Sometime will "invite" them as Guest Caller....knn, GST also can collect on behalf for this knn DH.......贱。。
Me a new member lah....
more than you....
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Me a new member lah....
Me EX member loh.....
But Groups also cannot bo DH......than got 300 members, Bo jobs, all die together....
Than lucky in this world got this few species who like to be a PAPies say, jobs creation....
Originally posted by Rbs70:
Me EX member loh.....
But Groups also cannot bo DH......than got 300 members, Bo jobs, all die together....
Than lucky in this world got this few species who like to be a PAPies say, jobs creation....
Once the jobs dried up....
members will run to another group.....where there are jobs.....
hence, it is a common practise.
some members have more than 1 groups or even more....
some groups are full of rivalry...
hence, if join this group.... cannot join the other.....
have to choose then...
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:some members have more than 1 groups or even more....
some groups are full of rivalry...
hence, if join this group.... cannot join the other.....
have to choose then...
Wu Li Tio Bo Wa......
Really childish, sometime you think about that.......
If very new in Limo World, group jobs is a good stepping stone to learn, but must learn and than translate the knowledge to oneself.......die die depend on group jobs, where got so many? Most time, is just wayang time by the Caller......Agree? Lol
(after confirmed job)....
SHxxxx, 5 mins, ABC Hotel....
reached hotel lobby in 2 mins..... saw DH cab leaving hotel driveway....
u waited for 10mins.... then DH annouced in group....
"sorry member, job cancelled.... double booking".....
wah lau..... 2 mins reached hotel's lobby.... job cancelled...